credit: Michelle Meiklejohn
Indeed, none of those who wait for You will be ashamed; ~ Psalm 25:3
What a beautiful verse!
We've been talking a lot at church about prayer. We've been discussing prayer in Sunday School, and hearing sermons about it during the service. I'm learning so much about the promises surrounding prayer, about faith, about asking and receiving, and how important prayer really is. We are seeing so many prayers answered in wonderful ways.
But sometimes things still happen that we don't understand. Sometimes, it just seems as if things are happening too slowly, or not as we had envisioned, or maybe not happening at all. And, if we were expecting a different answer, or a faster answer, we can get discouraged and begin to doubt what we have read and learned, what He has promised.
This is a lesson we have learned to practice daily. This spring has been an experience of faith. Trusting that He will provide our every need and He will do all He has promised.