Thursday, March 15, 2012

The Simple Woman's Daybook - Thursday March 15, 2011

For Today

Outside my window . . . beautiful sunny weather and 70 degrees.

I am thinking . . . that today feels like Friday since I took tomorrow off.

I am thankful . . . for Springtime! I took some of the kids for a walk this morning (it's become a daily routine) and we looked for the signs of Spring along the way.

In the kitchen . . . Austin put corndogs and fries in the oven for lunch today. I have taco chicken soup in the slow cooker getting ready for dinner this evening.

I am wearing . . . tan pants and blue shirt.

I am creating . . . a plan for next week.

I am going . . . to go with Amanda to the SPCA this afternoon for her volunteer time. It's going to be a beautiful afternoon for taking the dogs out for walks.

I am wondering . . . when the hospital is going to call with the time we need to be in tomorrow them to put tubes in Michael's ears.

I am hoping . . . that the little plants I saw in the garden this morning are radishes and not weeds.

I am looking forward to . . . my time with Amanda this afternoon.

I am learning . . . not to take the little problems in life too seriously.

Around the house. . . Austin is watching a movie, Amanda is setting the table for lunch, Christopher, Michael, Lauren and Khristian are playing in the playroom.

I am pondering . . . the many ways God shows Himself through nature - in the miracle of a plant growing from a tiny seed, the beauty of new flowers, the song of a babbling brook, the complexities of nature as it works together.

A favorite quote for today . . . The greatest gift of the garden is the restoration of the five senses. ~Hanna Rion
One of my favorite things. . . my slow cooker.

A peek into my day . . . so far my day has included - laundry, dishes, walking with the kids, a teenagers meltdown (all better now), picking up walnuts out of the yard, and cooking.

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