Monday, May 23, 2011

Reorganized Shelves

Here are some rather embarressing pictures of the state my bathrooom cabinets had gotten into. Since both Michael and I usually get ready for the day downstairs, but our bedrooms are upstairs, the clothes we wear most are stored in the downstairs bathroom cabinet. With warm weather, the summer clothes had been brought out but the winter clothes had not yet been put away. So the shelves were way overloaded and everything was hard to find, leading to a big disorganized mess. And the other shelves weren't any better.

When I started cleaning I found this creature perched on a towel. Ick!

I went through everything, putting away winter clothes, throwing away worn out clothes and refolding and putting away the rest. Other things, like paper towels and bathroom tissue I took out of the packages and stacked neatly. It's still not perfect but it's much better and it's good enough for me.

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