It was Mother's Day morning and I so appreciated what our pastor had to say to us as mothers, as well as any woman who influenced the life a child in any way - caretakers, aunts, friends, teachers, etc. He reminded us that we were not rated on our cooking skills, decorating abilities, or having an immaculate home. Our success as mothers does not depend on how many wonderful outings we plan for our children, how fancy the birthday parties or how our kids our dressed. These are all well and good but do not measure our success as mothers.
Instead the true measure of motherhood can be found in the Mother heart of our Father God. All facets of true love come from God - God is love. In Matthew 23:37 Jesus speaks of longing to gather His people together as a hen gather her chicks under her wings. What a beautiful picture of the motherly love God is calling us to have for our children and any children in our lives. To protect them, care for them, to show them that we love them by pulling them close, both to our hearts and physically, this is the love that God is calling us to give to our children.
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Encourage One Another

Finer Things Friday

Heart & Home Tuesdays!
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It is so hard to not judge ourselves according to our jobs and how we do them. In some way, it seems an extension of us. It seems if I love my husband, I will make it a point to keep his home picked up and looking tidy, or I will feed him well. It is that way, according to Proverbs 31. What we tend to look at is the quality behind it. I need to remember it isn't about gourmet meals and sparkly clean, but being filled and being clean. It's important that we raise our girls to take pride in their work, 100% work, smiles and knowing your work in the home is the best work in the world.
ReplyDeleteI love how your pastor included anyone who loves a child--not just mothers. It really does take a village to raise a child. Sometimes parents can't reach their own children like other adults can.