Monday, March 23, 2015

The Walnut Acre Daily - Signs of Spring, Birthday Party and More

I like to post The Walnut Acre Daily daily but sometimes it seems like life revs up into overdrive and it just doesn't happen. 

Yesterday turned out to be such a pretty day. After church we went to my dad's and spent the rest of the day there. 

After lunch we headed outside to enjoy the sunshine. I loved seeing these signs of Spring. 

My niece's dog got lots of attention. She's such a good dog and learning to respond to commands very well. 

The chickens seemed to enjoy the attention they got as well. 

Just hanging out.

Busy boys!

Anybody want to ride a pig?

And lots of jumping!

Later in the evening we had a birthday party for my niece's 10th birthday. 

A few photos from our learning time today.

Austin and Doug worked on our fence some more this afternoon.

The day started out with really cool temperatures but by this afternoon it felt like Spring again.