Friday, March 6, 2015

Five Minute Friday - Gathering Memories

Some of the most precious things to gather are memories.

I've been reading old entries in my blog and it brings back so many memories. I'm also reminded of how swiftly time moves on and things change. So I'm gathering memories day by day - memories of sweet smiles, hugs, fun times together, conversations as we gather around a meal, milestones, working hard together. 

I'm gathering these memories and making more memories as I thank God for this beautiful, challenging life He has blessed me with. 

What memories will you gather today?

To read more Five Minute Friday posts head on over to Heading Home. And we would love for you to join the fun with a post of your own. 

FRIDAY - Fellowship Friday SATURDAY - TGI Saturdays

1 comment:

  1. Rose, I love the idea of gathering memories...Memories are such a precious thing...Memories often remind me how truly blessed I am
