Living the Abundant Life Now (John 10:10) and Sharing the Source of that Abundant Life with Others
Friday, September 30, 2011
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Morning Musing Over Coffee - Moving Beyond Irritation
credit: Michelle Meiklejohn
I'm irritated this morning and wallowing in it. And I really need to get over it. It's not doing me or anyone else any good. It really doesn't matter what it is that I'm irritated about, we all have our individual irritations and have to struggle with them at times. What does matter is that I find a way to rise above the irritations and move on. So this morning I'm looking at some ways to do just that.
The first step is to pray about it. There's no point in trying to hide how I feel from God. He knows how I'm feeling and why. He made me the way I am and knows, better than I do, all the ins and outs of what is bothering me. So in telling Him about it I am reaching out to the one who best understands and has the power to help me pull out of my irritation.
The second step is to take a few minutes to focus on the good. No matter how irritated and frustrated I am, there are always good things to focus on. And the more I think about it the more I realize the good far outweighs the bad.
As some of the bad feeling begin to slip away, my third step is to take a short amount of time to think through the problem and see if there is a constructive way to minimize some of what is bothering me in the first place. Is there one thing I can do to help keep this from being an issue. I need to take responsability for my feelings and take positive action toward making it better. It may be as simple as choosing to smile in spite of it, or choosing to change my attitude.Maybe I need to calmly and respectfully explain why I am irritated and work on together on finding a solution. Or their may be another solution that I had not thought of before. Sometimes I simply need to laugh at my childishness at letting small things bother me and move on.
The last step is to take action. Whether it's on the specific issue at hand, or on something else constructive, taking positive action helps to pull me out of my pit of self pity.
Life is always going to have it's up and downs. That's just life. And sometimes the little bumps along the way serve to remind me to stop and look around for the good things that I am so richly belssed with.
Or as this quote so aptly says -
It just wouldn't be a picnic without the ants ~ Author Unknown
Morning Musing Over Coffee
Thursday, September 29, 2011
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Today's Adventures - Homemade Hot Pockets, A Spider and More
Today's Verse
But the Lord is the true God, He is the living God, the eternal King . . . Jeremiah 10:10
But the Lord is the true God, He is the living God, the eternal King . . . Jeremiah 10:10
Today's Quote
Though our feelings come and go, God's love for us does not. ~C. S. Lewis
Though our feelings come and go, God's love for us does not. ~C. S. Lewis
Playing, Learning and Working Together
Putting together picture and word puzzles
Putting together picture and word puzzles
Playing memory with transportation cards. And apparently I was being told something very important although I cannot remember now what it was.
Busy working on our writing practice worksheets.
It was wet outside from a rain shower this morning so outside play was on the front porch.
Austin: "Look what I found. Can I hold it?" Me: "NOOOO!!!"
Michael doing his afternoon work in his workbook.
Amanda as she struggles to get the broom out of the closet and the swiffer keeps getting in her way "The swiffer and the broom are in love. The swiffer doesn't want me to take the broom away."
Austin chuckling to himself as he watches something about liverwort on his science video clip this afternoon "Liver wart. That would be painful! "
From the Kitchen
I made two recipes of Traditional White Bread dough today and then made all the dough into homemade hot pockets.
Amanda helped me make the first batch this morning. We filled half of these with pepperoni and cheese and half with sausage and cheese.
I made two recipes of Traditional White Bread dough today and then made all the dough into homemade hot pockets.
Amanda helped me make the first batch this morning. We filled half of these with pepperoni and cheese and half with sausage and cheese.
I got distracted on the second batch this afternoon and by the time I got back to the rising dough it looked like this. When I uploaded the photo I noticed the drawer underneath the dough is open slightly. I'm so glad it didn't spill over far enough to get in there.
Michael helped me fill the second batch. We filled half of these with bacon and cheese and half with sausage and cheese.
He got a little over enthusiastic filling the first one but he soon got the hang of it and did a good job.
We had these for lunch and the older kids and Doug had some for snack this afternoon. The rest (17) I put in the freezer for later snacks, breakfasts and Doug's lunches.
Tonight I am Grateful For. . .
A quiet evening and an ice cream date at DQ with Doug.
Morning Musing Over Coffee - Step by Step
credit: Michelle Meiklejohn
The road leading to a goal does not separate you from the destination; it is essentially a part of it. ~Charles DeLint
I am the kind of person who sets a goal, or sees something that needs to change, or it suddenly struck by a wonderful idea, and then wants to see it all happen right now. It is so easy for me to forget that the road is an essential part of the fulfillment of the goal.
Without the journey, the step by step walking out of ultimate fulfillment of that dream, their is no context, and I would never experience the growth that comes along the way.
Morning Musing Over Coffee
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Morning Musing Over Coffee - Finding My Voice
credit: Michelle Meiklejohn
Each of us has a voice, something we want to say, something we want to share. And even more importantly, there is something that God wants each of us to share with the world around us. Whether is be to one or two people close to us or to a large audience, that voice is there, waiting for expression.
I am realizing this more and more lately as I find myself at a bit of a crossroad, looking at new directions and opportunities, wondering, waiting, praying, listening to the voice rise up within me and yet, at the same time, unsure of what, exactly it is trying to express.
But as I explore new options and paths, I am excited for what is ahead, and for the adventures waiting as I share this journey with those around me. I know there are topics I am passionate about, I am pretty sure of the general themes that run strong in the nature God has made me with, and the talents, interests and strengths He has given me. I know there are things I am not cut out to do, that are simply not what I was made for. And although there is at times a very real pressure to try to be someone I'm not, or to do things that I was not cut out to do, I am learning to recognize this and move in another direction.
At the moment, finding my voice seems to taking me in these directions
1. Becoming more involved in the church I am now in. Learning from and with, encouraging and being encouraged by, sharing the voice within me as I listen to the voice of each one around me.
2. Writing. Using this blog as a way to share, to speak out about those things I am passionate about, and again learning from and with, encouraging and being encouraged.
3. Within the community. Each of us, in our own community, are here for reason. It is time for me to take a more active role within my own community, to be more open to those around me. I'm not sure what direction this will take me, at the moment I am simply paying more attention to the needs and opportunities around me as I wait for direction.
4. And last, but probably the most important, within my own home. Sometimes it's easy to get caught up in all the other opportunities around us and forget that those within my own homes, whether immediate family or simply in my care for the day, need me most. They are the ones who need my best, who need me to be the person God created me to be, right here, right now.
Jeremiah 29:11 is a great encouragement to me. I know that God has a plan for me. I can see how He has worked in my life up to this point. And I am excited to see where He will lead me next and the new ways He will have for me to express the voice He has given me.
"For I know the thoughts I have for you" declares the Lord. "plans to prosper you, and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
Christian Living,
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Today's Adventures - Tuesday September 27,2011
Today's Verse
But seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Matthew 6:33
But seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Matthew 6:33
Today's Quote
There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle. ~ Albert Einstein.
There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle. ~ Albert Einstein.
Working, Learning and Playing Together
Putting together rhyming word puzzles.
Playing transportation themed memory.
Our Bible story this week (read each morning at circle time) is about Jesus calling the 12 disciples. Here Michael and Lauren are coloring pictures to go with the story.
Austin washing the kitchen floor. Thank you Austin!
Water painting on the front porch.
Baby Christopher soaking up the attention.
Nearly every afternoon lately I can find Holly and Amanda climbing trees.
Putting together rhyming word puzzles.
Playing transportation themed memory.
Our Bible story this week (read each morning at circle time) is about Jesus calling the 12 disciples. Here Michael and Lauren are coloring pictures to go with the story.
Austin washing the kitchen floor. Thank you Austin!
Water painting on the front porch.
Baby Christopher soaking up the attention.
Nearly every afternoon lately I can find Holly and Amanda climbing trees.
From the Kitchen
I tried two new recipes today.
The first one was Apple Pie Bread. It smelled wonderful while it was baking but even though I baked it twice as long as the recipe said and the edges were starting to burn, the inside was still not done. I'm going to have to experiment a little with this one.
I tried two new recipes today.
The first one was Apple Pie Bread. It smelled wonderful while it was baking but even though I baked it twice as long as the recipe said and the edges were starting to burn, the inside was still not done. I'm going to have to experiment a little with this one.
The second recipe I made for the first time today was Rice Pudding in the Crockpot. It also smelled wonderful and it tasted wonderful as well. This one is definitely a keeper.
Every time Amanda goes out and leaves Pepper behind, Pepper looks out the windows and whines for her. When she's not looking out the window she's running from door to door hoping to see her coming in.
Tonight I am Grateful For . . .

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Monday, September 26, 2011
Today's Adventures - Monday September 26, 2011
Today's Verse
Then Jesus said, "Come to Me all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28
Today's Quote
Weave in faith and God will find the thread. ~ Author Unknown
Weave in faith and God will find the thread. ~ Author Unknown
Working, Learning and Playing Together
During circle time this morning Michael chose these number puzzles to work on together. This is one of his favorite activities.
Austin brought in a Katydid from outside for us to see.
During circle time this morning Michael chose these number puzzles to work on together. This is one of his favorite activities.
Austin brought in a Katydid from outside for us to see.
Our preschool/kindergarten theme for the next few weeks will be Transportation. Austin helped Michael with this picture/word matching activity from the Transportation Preschool Pack from Homeschool Creations.
Amanda folding laundry.
Austin shredding old paper. We use the shredded paper in the guinea pig and Amanda's pet rats cages instead of buying litter for them.
Amanda folding laundry.
Austin shredding old paper. We use the shredded paper in the guinea pig and Amanda's pet rats cages instead of buying litter for them.
Luaren and Michael playing with transportation flannel set I made to go with our tranportation theme.
From the Kitchen
Michael helped me mix up a double recipe of Homemade Egg Noodles.
Here are the noodles drying and also a two loaves of Traditional White Bread that had just come out of the oven.
Michael helped me mix up a double recipe of Homemade Egg Noodles.
Here are the noodles drying and also a two loaves of Traditional White Bread that had just come out of the oven.
Amanda's new cat, Sheena, is still getting used to her new surroundings.
Pepper thinks she has found a new friend but Sheena doesn't want to play.
Amanda's new cat, Sheena, is still getting used to her new surroundings.
Pepper thinks she has found a new friend but Sheena doesn't want to play.
Favorite Homeschool Activities from Austin and Amanda
Austin said his favorite part of our lessons today was this short video about the Giant Prehistoric Bear.
Amanda's favorite part was the three chapters I read aloud to them from The Tanglewoods Secret by Patricia St. John.
Tonight I Am Grateful For . . .
Every day is an adventure and I never want to forget.
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