Friday, March 4, 2011

Five Question Friday 3.04.11

It's time for another fun edition hosted by My Little Life.

Have you ever forgotten your child in a store or at school?

I've never forgotten my child in a store or at school, but I did leave and her at home once. I quite a few kids with me that day and didn't realize that she hadn't gotten in the van with the others. About half a mile down the road we realized she wasn't with us so I quickly turned around and went back home. I was imagining her all upset and scared and crying. But when I got home she hadn't even realized I had left her. She had been playing outside and heard me call the others. Thinking that I wanted them to pick up the toys in the playroom, she decided to stay where she was until I came and got her. And there she happily played and until I came looking for her in a state of panic. It wasa lot harder on me than it was on her.

Where did you go on your very first date?

To a church youth activity.

What's your silly fear?

The dark. I have a very hard time making myself go outside alone in the dark. And I don't like it completely dark in the house, not even when I sleep.

Confrontation: Do you cause it, deal with it as it comes, or run far far away?

Definitely run far far away. As fast as I can. Confrontation gives me a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach and makes my palms sweat.

Wood floors or carpet?

Carpet in most of the house. Two of the upstairs bedrooms have wood floors though. I wish the playroom had something other than carpet because it is so hard to keep clean.

For more fun Five Question Friday posts visit My Little Life.


  1. Thanks for sharing your answers with the 5QF!
    I understand about the darkness thing-pitch black darkness is a freaky thing! I don't think it's a silly fear. =)
    Have a nice weekend!

  2. Hi there! Stopping from 5QF.
    I agree with Josanne! Darkness isn't a silly fear...I've read way too many Mary Higgins Clark books so I'm terrified to go anywhere in the dark! Even too afraid to go three feet away from my bedroom to the bathroom sometimes...definitely not a silly fear!:-D

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Amber and Josanne - Thank you for stopping by and commenting. Amber, I love Mary Higgins CLark's books, but they definitely don't help with the fear of the dark issue.
