Monday, April 25, 2011

Daily Photo Journal Monday April 25, 2011

I thought I would try something a little different for my daily journal. Each hour I'm going to try to remember to take a picture (or have someone else take one) of something that is going on right then.

I started a little late this morning (9:10) and had Amanda take a picture of the kids and I having circle time. This is actually a smaller group than usual. One child is out on vacation and Michael was with Doug. I am holding a book but the light from the window behind me made it hard to get a good picture. I should have had Amanda pull the blind but didn't think of it then.

10:10AM - Doug took the day off ( I sure wish my job accrued paid time off like his does). Here he was sitting outside drawing plans for something he wants to build.

11:10AM Michael was watching Austin check the oil in the lawnmowers. I had to get this picture of him all comfy, relaxed and happy.

12:15PM Lunch time baby! And, in case anyone ever wondered, those Blueberry Pancakes and Sausages on a stick are yummy. Today was Austin's day to make lunch and he had seen these in the store and put them on the menu. Scrumptious!

1:20PM - The trees on our little acre have not been very well taken care of and Doug is trying to remedy that. This afternoon he cut some of the dead limbs out of two of them. Here he and Michael are pulling the cut limbs away to burn.

2:15PM Oh naptime, how I love you.

3:20PM - Here Doug is behind the garage cutting and burning the branches he trimmed from the trees this afternoon.

4:35PM - Michael keeping me company while I'm watching kids in the back yard.

5:35PM - Amanda made us some very good taco salad for dinner. Here is my plate of salad. Are you hungry now?

6:45 - Today has been an absolutely beautiful day for playing outside and after dinner we were back out again. Here M is enjoying the beans and rice bin at the picnic table in the back yard.

7:05PM - I couldn't resist taking this picture of Michael helping Doug do yard work.

I missed taking a photo in the 8PM hour. But here, at 9PM is Austin eating ice cream and playing a game on his computer while he waits for me to get ready for our read aloud time with him and Amanda.

10:15PM - We've enjoyed our reading time and now I'm going to settle down at the kitchen table with my computer and a cup of coffee.

11:35PM - Since my eyes are starting to close and this is the view from here (it's awfully dark out there) I think it's time for me to go to bed.

Good night all.

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