Showing posts with label children's ministry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label children's ministry. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

The Walnut Acre Daily - Cherry Enchiladas and More

Words to Live By

Colossians 3:17

And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. 

We Are Learning

As usual the younger kids watched three videos. This morning they were - 

After the videos they had their choice of related worksheets and coloring pages to work on. I'm trying to get what I have printed used up because next week I'm planning to start to start some new things. 

Austin and Amanda started a new topic in Science today - Allergies. Today they looked at Understanding Allergies and Types of Allergies. In math they did some mental math exercises. This evening we read pages 253 - 270 from The Heart of a Lion by Gilbert Morris and our Bible Reading was Proverbs 5. 

In the Kitchen

Amanda made a batch of Cherry Enchiladas this morning that we had for dinner this evening. This was another new recipe for us and Doug, CJ and Michael especially liked it. I am good about getting photos of food preparation but just awful about getting the photos after it's prepared. I think it just disappears too fast.

Outdoor Fun

The rain and cold kept us from going outside much today. The rest of the week should be better suited to playing outside.

Just For Fun

Austin hanging out with his buddies, Christopher (on his lap) and Gage.

On My Mind

The question we were asked to think about at yesterdays Children's Ministry Meeting was this - What do I feel passionately that kids need to hear from the Word? We're going to talk about this and our individual answers in more detail at our meeting next week. I've been thinking about this all day and I think I have my answer. 

I feel that kids need to know that God is not some scary old man with a big beard somewhere up in the sky, but is instead a Heavenly Father who loves them beyond imagination, and who they can talk to about anything at anytime, knowing He will listen and respond. They need to know that He loves them so much He even sent His own Son to make a way for them to be with Him forever. They need to know that this love is not just some nice, warm and fuzzy idea but is real and active in their lives now. And they need to see that love demonstrated by those of us who are with them each Sunday morning and Wednesday evening and any other time we meet. We need to be willing to be truly involved in their lives and show them that love even if it means extra time and commitment from us. 

I'm curious - How would you answer this question? What do you feel passionately that kids need to know about God and His Word?

Books We Enjoyed Today

Daily Deals

Don't forget to check out my printable coupon page. There were lots of new ones posted today and they look pretty good. 

Today's Quote

A hug is a great gift - one size fits all, and it's easy to exchange. ~ Author Unknown

Monday, November 26, 2012

The Walnut Acre Daily - A Reading Game, Children's Ministry Meeting and More

Words to Live By

Colossions 2:6-7

So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him,  rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.

We Are Learning

Michael and Lauren watched three videos this morning  - 
and did some reading worksheets.

While they were outside playing I printed three words they are learning on paper and taped it to a door. Then, when they came inside they took turns throwing the ball at the words and then telling me which word they had hit. They loved in and I can change the words often to keep the game interesting and them learning new words. 

Austin and Amanda studied Radioactivity in Science. Fission and fusion were studied today. With Doug they work on multiplying decimals by integers.  We read pages 237 - 252 from Heart of A Lion by Gilbert Morris and our Bible reading was Proverbs 4. We would have read more but I was getting so sleepy I was starting to read things that weren't on the page.

In the Kitchen

Amanda made two dishes of broccoli and cheese this morning - one for dinner here at home and one for me to take along to a meeting at church this evening.

Austin cleaned off the kitchen counters for me this evening. 

Outdoor Fun

Michael and I went for an afternoon ramble. He took the ball along and had so much fun throwing and catching it and kicking and chasing after it.

One of our cats, Scout, decided to go with us. Michael was worried he would get lost but of course he didn't, just enjoyed exploring and climbing.

Fallen trees are always so much fun!


CJ spent his free time this evening making paper Christmas ornaments (that he's planning to laminate) to hang on the tree he put in the yard Friday. He also made one for Lauren to take home with her.

We Are Going

Michael and I took Lauren to preschool and then went to the post office to pick up the mail this afternoon. 

This evening the children's ministry team had a meeting at church. It was a dinner meeting, with several different people bringing food. It was an awesome meeting with people who are passionate about  bringing Jesus and the love and hope he gives to every child who comes through the church doors.  We will be meeting again in a week to work on more for the new year. I'm so blessed to be a part of this and it's exciting to watch it all unfold.  

Doug took Austin and Michael to their Scout meeting tonight. It turned out, though, that Michael's group was not meeting this evening so Doug brought Michael to the church and let him play with the other kids in the nursery while he sat in on part of the meeting. 

Just For Fun

Books We Enjoyed Today

Daily Deals


Today's Quote

We need to find God, and He cannot be found in noise and restlessness. God is the friend of silence. See how nature - trees, flowers, grass - grows in silence; see the stars, the moon and the sun, how they move in silence... We need silence to be able to touch souls. ~ Mother Teresa