
Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Oh God, Can't You Cut Me a Break?

"Oh God, can't you cut me a break?" I asked one day.  "Why does it have to be this hard!?"

It had been a rough month, and before that a rough year, and before that . . . well it just felt like it had been a hard knock life.  And I was tired of struggling. 

But even as the questions entered my mind I could hear the answer. 

"I have cut you a break.  I did the hardest part for you.  Your salvation is secure in Jesus and you are never left to walk alone."

And with that gracious reminder I was once again strengthened and encouraged.  Life isn't going to be easy.  We live in a broken world.  There will be pain and trouble and days that are breathtakingly hard.  But it's OK. We were never promised an easy road but we were promised peace, strength and His unfailing love, even in the hardest of times.


  1. Hi Rose, I am glad when we are weary, He's not, when we feel i s difficult to press on, He is or strength.
    Thanks a million for sharing your heart.
    Enjoy your Christmas Holidays
    God Bless

  2. I hope that you are all having a wonderful holiday, Rose. I agree with Rachel, beautifully put.

  3. "We were never promised an easy road" very true.
    Thanks so much for sharing with my No Rules Weekend Blog Party :)

  4. Hi Rose, thanks for sharing this on the Blogger's Pit Stop. I am here enjoying your awesome video, thanks for the good music.
