
Monday, May 16, 2011

Making Homemade Dog Biscuits With the Kids

After my week of vacation the kids came back today to discover we adopted a dog while they were gone.

I thought one way they could enjoy getting to know each other was to have the kids help make dog biscuits for her. So after circle time this morning we got busy and and made some yummy (if you're a dog) treats for Roni.

After they cut out the biscuits in various shapes I put them in the oven to bake. They smelled good while baking, a little like peanut butter cookies.

Normally Roni is out of her kennel playing during the day, but since it was rainy today I wanted her in where she could get to her doghouse. After the bisuits were done baking and cooled the kids went out between rain showers and let her taste her treats. They disappeared very quickly so we know she liked them

Here is our Dog Biscuit Recipe

1 banana, mashed
2 eggs
1 cup peanut butter
1 tablespoon honey
3 cups whole wheat flour

Mix first four ingredients together. Then add flour and mix well. Roll out to desired thickness and cut into squares or cut into shapes with cookie cutters.

Bake at 300 degrees Fahrenheit for 30 - 40 minutes.

They apparently looked good enough to eat because when Doug came home from work this afternoon he nearly ate one before I said "Oh, no those are dog biscuits." His reply was a rather disgruntled "Lucky mutt!"

I guess now I'm going to have to bake him some cookies.

~ Linking up to these fun places  ~

Childhood 101

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The SUnday Showcase


  1. I know somebody who's going to love these treats! My dog! Thank you for posting this... are you on by chance?

  2. My dog needs some TLC and this would be great! In fact, his birthday is this week so we could make this a present for him! Thanks for the recipe!

  3. This is such an awesome and fun idea!!

    Thanks for linking up on my Super STALKER Sunday! I can't believe the response we have gotten again this week! :D If I wasn't already stalking you, I am now!

    I hope you won't be a stranger and come back next week, or even just mid week and say hello! : ) I post lots of other great things like recipes, tackles, and rambles (oh my!).

    Have you checked out my FANTASTIC Blog Hop Directory? It has at least 20 blog hops listed for each day of the week. There has to be something there to suit your fancy too. ; )

  4. Lucky Puppy!

    I’m a new follower from the Totally Tuesday Blog Hop.
    Please stop on by and follow me at and say hello :)

  5. I think the whole thing is awesome Rose. I'm not even a dog person and I hearted it. The pictures of the kids cutting and baking and all the different shapes that they made the treats into – awesome. Now, the question is I don't have a dog – I have Laska the love Kitty. I don't think you'd go for bananas or peanut butter or honey – so the question is – do you know how to make Laska treats – treats for the love kitty of the family?

    Thank you for this today. It was a day full of challenges, and trials, and just no fun at all. But, this was fun – thank you – and God bless you and all of yours and while Laska isn't looking I'll say God bless your “lucky mutt” as well.

  6. Oh my how sweet is this!!!! Love the idea of making dog biscuits.. though my kids would probably want to eat them too!!

    Thank you so much for stopping by at Kids Get Crafty and linking!!


  7. Oh, I am so going to make these!! My dogs will LOVE these and my daughters will love helping!! Thank you for sharing:)

  8. What a fantastic way to get the kids involved with the new dog! I loved all the pictures - they seemed so into it all.

    Thank you for linking to the Sunday Showcase - hope to see you again tomorrow night for the next linky party.

