
Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Kids in the Kitchen - Chocolate Cake

Since it was rainy, windy and cold outside today when we all really wanted to be outside I decided to make it better by baking a chocolate cake. And what better way to keep little hands busy and out of mischief than by letting them help?

Amanda was my photographer while I helped them the kids put together and mix the ingredients. Unfortunately, I have no pictures of the finished product. In the house, I'm lucky if I get to eat some of the food before it disappears, much less have time to take pictures of it.

Okay, I guess that's not quite fair, I eat my share of the food. But still, it disppears really fast with all these hungry mouths to feed.

Anyway . . .

Here are some pictures of the kids helping to make the cake.

First, we had to put in all the ingredients -

1 cup of flour

1 cup of sugar

1 tablespoon of cocoa

One more tablespoon of cocoa

1 teaspoon of vanilla

1/2 cup milk

1/2 cup melted butter

And another tablespoon of sugar because we ran out of ingredients before we ran out of kids (or so I thought at the time)*

*As I was typing this I had some questions about the recipe so I went back and looked at the original and discovered something that makes me feel really silly. I completely forgot to add the two eggs! That would explain why the texture wasn't quite right. I thought I just had just taken it out of the oven a little too soon. Since this post is more about the fun of cooking with the kids than about a perfectly baked cake I wasn't worried about it.

After we put in all the ingredients I did manage to remember, the batter had to be stirred.

They could hardly wait for lunch so they could eat it and they even shared the crumbs in the pan after the cake was all. So, eggs or no eggs, this cake was hit!

1 comment:

  1. They are PRECIOUS!!!!!!! This is so sweet :)

