
Friday, January 1, 2016

New Year, New Beginnings

I know I've been very quiet here the last few weeks but hopefully I'll be here regularly again. I've been processing a lot of things during this holiday season and I think I'm ready to take on the new year.

Christmas was different for us but we still had a good one.  Thanks to the generosity of our church family and friends in the community the kids had a wonderful Christmas.

After opening gifts Christmas morning we went to my sister's house and spent the rest of the day there. It was a good day of just being together and enjoying family time.

The day after Christmas we met up with friends at the mall and hung out there for awhile before coming back to our house and spending more time just talking while the kids played. 

New year's eve we were at my sister's again. Michael had a hard time staying awake to see the new year in but he did make it. 

Now I'm looking ahead at what the new year is bringing in. It looks like there will be some changes this year and I have mixed feelings about some of them. But I'm choosing to remember that God is in control and He has a plan for us that is better than any plan I could dream up on my own.

One big change for us is moving to a smaller place. I love the place where we are now, but financially this move just makes sense. And I'm more OK with it than I thought I would be. We will still be on an acre of land for which I'm grateful. I didn't want to give up my chickens or my dreams of having goats and pigs and rabbits and the kids didn't want to give up any of their pets. There will be room there for all that. A smaller place will mean less time spent in upkeep and more time for the things that are important to us.

Another possible change is a new part time job for me.  I go for an interview Tuesday and I am so excited! I would be doing the kind of work I love, working with kids, and so far it seems a like the perfect fit. 

Along with these big changes come the usual changes for us at the beginning of the year. There are tweaks in our schedule, new school materials for when we start school again on Monday and just simply starting fresh after the holiday excitement. 

So, from our family to each of you -

Happy New Year.

I hope it is filled with love, joy and peace.

MONDAY - Mama Moments Mondays TUESDAY - Together on Tuesdays FRIDAY - Blogger's Pit Stop, Weekend Wind Down Link Party, NO RULES Weekend Blog Party


  1. A very happy new year to you and your loved ones.
    Blogger's Pit Stop

  2. Great family pictures. It sounds like you guys have a lot of changes happening this year. Our family does too, and it's quite the adventure--in both good ways and bad. Any way, just wanted to leave a quick comment to say "hi," let you know I dropped by your site, and enjoyed hearing part of your story. Wishing you an incredible 2016!
