
Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Your Brain - Book and Activities

In the past I've really enjoyed doing unit studies with the kids. I would choose a specific subject that I knew they would enjoy and then use lots of books, games, worksheets, coloring pages and other activities to learn about that subject. Often we could incorporate lots of phonics, reading, math, science and social studies into these units. I'm working on including more unit studies into our homeschooling again, especially on the days that I go to my sister's and more children are involved.

 I started with a couple mini studies and our first one was about the brain. We read Your Brain by DeGezelle and Terri.  (You can click the image for more details about the book). They enjoyed the book and discussing where our brains are (one child was sure it was in his stomach!) and what it does.

Then we had fun putting together this Printable Brain Puzzle. This gave us the chance to talk again about where our brains are and what they as well as review colors and work on fine motor skills and eye/hand coordination.

We finished up with this Brain Coloring Page. Since there was lots of blank space on the page Michael decorated the rest of the page with his favorite thing to draw - hearts. Maybe we should do a little unit on hearts soon.

There will be more into studies coming, some small ones like this one, and some much larger ones. The possibilities are endless.

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Morning Musing Over Coffee - Divine Surprise

credit: Michelle Meiklejohn

The story of Easter is the story of God's wonderful window of divine surprise. ~ Carl Knudson

This quote made me stop and think - and then smile as I realized the truth and relevance of it. When the disciples saw Jesus die and then be buried they truly thought everything they had believed in and staked their futures on had died and been buried as well.  This was their darkest night. If only they had known, would have understood the awesomeness of what was about to take place! This dark night was but a birthing of what was to come. 

And if only we, in our darkest of nights, would only understand that this is not our end, but a new beginning, maybe the night would be easier to endure. Because for those who endure, their is a dawn of new beginning, new life. 

Just hold on and wait for the divine surprise!

 But may all who seek you
    rejoice and be glad in you;
may those who long for your saving help always say,
    “The Lord is great!

Psalm 40:16

Monday, March 30, 2015

The Walnut Acre Daily - This Wonderful Life

Sometimes I think we do the same things over and over again. And I guess often we do, but when I look at what those things are I realize how blessed we are to have this wonderful life.

This morning Michael and I went to my sister's to have our combined learning time with the kids there.

As he usually does when we are there for the morning Michael wanted to stay for the afternoon. When I got home Amanda had a simple lunch ready for us. I ate and then did a little housework before our reading time. I spent the rest of the afternoon writing and working here at home. 

It was sunny this afternoon but a bit windy. The kids still wanted to play outside and Doug and Austin got some more work done on the fence. 

When they came in the kids did their homework and some drawing. Madalyn didn't have much work and the only thing Michael had left to do was his reading and word family sorts. 

For dinner this evening I ended up switching menus with Saturday. So we had one of my favorite things - Tomato gravy and biscuits. This was something my mother made often when I was growing up and I've always loved it. 


Morning Musing Over Coffee - Why Pray?
Menu Plan Monday -March 30 - April 4

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MONDAY - Mommy Moments, Inspire Me Monday

Menu Plan Monday - March 29 - April 4, 2015

Our breakfasts are typically cereal, boiled eggs, yogurt, fruit and juice and Amanda usually fixes a simple lunch during the week so this menu is mainly dinners.

Salad to take to my sister's for lunch

Chicken Scrapple, Scrambled Eggs, Boiled Potatoes w/Butter, Applesauce

Chicken and Noodles, Peas, Applesauce

Dinner at Church

Crescent Dough Meat Squares, Green Beans, Applesauce

Main Dish From my Sister, Fresh Fruit, Salad

Tomato Gravy and Biscuits, Fried Potatoes, Sausage, Fruit

MONDAY - Menu Plan Monday

Morning Musing Over Coffee - Why Pray?

credit: Michelle Meiklejohn

No one is a firmer believer in the power of prayer than the devil; not that he practices it, but he suffers from it.  ~ Guy H. King

What an awesome privilege it is to be able to to talk to God at any time and know that He delights in relationship and communion with us.

The LORD is near to all them that call on Him, to all that call on Him in truth.
Psalm 145:18

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Morning Musing Over Coffee - Carpe Diem

credit: Michelle Meiklejohn

You block your dream when you allow your fear to grow bigger than your faith.  ~ Mary Manin Morrissey

We each have dreams - God given dreams - and we are placed here with those dreams for a purpose. Dreams are made to be followed. 

Carpe diem - Seize the day!

So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you;  I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
Isaiah 41:10

SUNDAY - The Weekend Brew, Spiritual Sundays

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Free Printable Coupons - Savings For Your Weekend Shopping





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Wednesday, March 25, 2015

The Walnut Acre Daily - Bell Choir and More

What a busy, normal, fun day. It's very interesting to me to see how the days string together to make weeks, then months, then years. And the things that seemed so important yesterday, fade into today's important things that will be forgotten in the midst of tomorrow's equally important things. So I continue daily to note the events that continue to unfold day after day, writing life's story.

This morning Michael and I were at my sister's for learning and fun with the kids there. 

I came home for lunch and reading time with Austin and Amanda and then went back to my sister's for several hours so she could run some errands. Hope shared some of the craft supplies she got for her birthday with Michael and they had fun being creative. 

We were at church this evening. I got a couple photos of the kids in bell choir practice. They are going to be performing with the adult choir and some of the youth Easter morning. They all did really well. 

Michael has been complaining occasionally the last couple of days saying he doesn't feel good. But then he would go on and play and he was eating good. But this evening while he was in class he started running a fever. Doug gave him Ibuprofen before he went to bed tonight and he's asleep now. We've had two children here in the last week get sick with strep throat. I guess we'll see how he feels tomorrow and decide whether a trip to the doctor is called for. 



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