
Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The Walnut Acre Daily - Pediatric Follow Up Visit and More

Walking With the King
For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it. ~ Matthew 16:25

Today's Quote
Even when you do not feel big hearted, you can give yourself permission to act that way. ~ Lama Willa Miller

On Our Nature Walk
Monday Cayson started making himself a little "firepit" with the rocks that are all over the place down there. Today he finished it and he and the other kids played camping, pretending to make S'mores.  It was so much fun to watch them having so much fun!

In the Garden
Austin spent about an hour pulling weeds from the garden today. I was out there a little as well, about 20 minutes. We're beginning to really see the progress. The next few days are supposed to be really hot though so we probably won't be spending much time out there the rest of the week.

We Are Learning
At circle time today we read The Little Calf That Couldn't Moo.

We also watched these two videos.

We colored a C is for Cow page . . . 

Out and About
Austin went to a church youth activity this evening. One of the boys from the youth group in leaving for the Army soon and there was a farewell party for him this evening. I was supposed to be going to choir practice this evening but at the last minute it was canceled. I love choir but I was so tired this evening I had been debating with myself whether I would even go or not. I had just made up my mind that I would go and about five minutes later got the call that it was canceled. 

Other Notes and News
Michael had his follow up visit with the pediatrician this afternoon. They pediatrician feels like we should go ahead and do an EEG and get a consult with a neurologist. Since Sunday's seizure is the only we've ever seen him have he doesn't want to start him on any medications for it. He's already on several other medications for other issues so any time we don't have to go the medication route I'm happy. If he should have another seizure or if the EEG shows seizure activity then we'll reconsider our options. 

And that's a peek into our day here at Walnut Acre. How was your day? I'd love to read about it in the comments.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

When A Baby Eats Spaghetti! (Wordless Wednesday)

Note - Christopher is wearing a pink bib because it's the only I have that he doesn't pull off and throw on the floor! I guess I need to buy some new bibs.

~ Linking Here ~
Mama to 4 Blessings
5 Minutes for Mom
Three Loud Kids

The Walnut Acre Daily -A Picnic Lunch and a Turnip From the Garden

Walking With the King
"Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against anyone among your people, but love your neighbor as yourself. I am the Lord." ~ Leviticus 19:18

Today's Quote
Colors are the smiles of nature. ~ Leigh Hunt

On Our Nature Walk
It looks like these berries that I've been watching are blackberries. It looks like it will be just a few more days until we can start picking these.

In the Garden

I pulled this turnip this morning when I was working in the garden. I'm thinking I should have left it there longer, it's not as big as it looked like it would be before I pulled it. The others in the garden are about half to two-thirds this size so it will be a little while before they're ready to harvest.

Other Outdoor Fun
It was absolutely beautiful outside today and we had a picnic lunch. 

While we were eating CJ looked up and realized Amanda's cat, Sheena, was sleeping on a branch over our heads. 

I'm not sure what CJ and Michael were playing this afternoon but they had the wagon loaded and CJ was trying to figure out a way to pull the bicycle along behind the wagon. Michael was just trying to make sure he got in the picture. 

We Are Learning 
The weather outside was beautiful and Michael is still extra active so we didn't do circle time or our half hour of school work this afternoon. Instead we spent extra time outside. In a couple days it's supposed to be really hot again and there will be plenty of time then to do these kinds of activities while we're trying to stay cool inside.

We Are Reading
Here are some of the books we enjoyed reading together today.
Hanging Out With Mom

Chaucer's First Winter

The Cat in the Hat Comes Back

In the Kitchen
For breakfast this morning we had this Breakfast Sausage Casserole. 
Michael helped me make Sausage Cheese Bread for our picnic lunch.
For dinner this evening I fixed baked chicken, buttered potatoes, Buttery Cooked Carrots,(with carrots from the garden) and we had the whole wheat bread I baked yesterday.

And that's a peek into our day today. Tomorrow afternoon Michael has an appointment with the pediatrician so we can decide what steps we need to take for him since he had a seizure Sunday. Then tomorrow evening Austin has youth group and I have choir practice. We also have more kids than usual tomorrow so it should be an interesting day.

~ Linking Here ~


Monday, June 25, 2012

The Walnut Acre Daily - A Good Day

Walking With the King
May you be strengthened with all power, according to His glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy. ~ Colossians 1:11

Today's Quote
Life is short but there is always time for courtesy. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

On Our Nature Walk
Look, there's a ladybug!

Saturday Khristian was excited to find a Morning Glory in bloom. This morning she was excited all over again because now there are two.

I think Cayson was trying to build a fire pit with these rocks.

Heading home to get a drink of water and then play in the yard. Cayson and Michael were looking for the airplane we heard flying over.

In the Garden

While I worked on weeding the turnips and carrots CJ pulled weeds out of his corn.

Now this is some relaxed gardening!

Some of the "weeds" in the turnip patch are actually chicory so Austin worked on pulling those up so that I can roast the roots and grind them as an additive to coffee. 

Other Outdoor Fun

We Are Learning
At circle time today we read Buzz Said the Bee . . .

. . . watched My First Farm Animals . . .

. . . worked on farm themed prewriting worksheets . . .

. . . and the Pp phonics page.

Michael was bouncing off the walls this afternoon so we didn't get much work done at all. CJ, Michael and I read Rag together . . .

. . . and then watched these two videos.

In the Kitchen
We had baked spaghetti for lunch. For dinner CJ made macaroni and cheese, hotdogs, and vegetables. I also made a batch of bread dough for the freezer and two loaves of bread just came out of the oven a few minutes ago.

Other Notes and News
Michael has seemed fine today other than being incredibly hyper. It's almost like yesterday's seizure made him twice as active as usual although I really have no idea if the two are connected. We have an appointment with the pediatrician Wednesday afternoon so I'm hoping I'll know more than. 

~ Linking Here ~

In the Fields, Garden and Kitchen

This week we've been excited to see that the berries are starting to turn color. I am waiting for these to mature to find out exactly what kind they are. This will be the first summer picking them for us so we're unsure what we're looking at. But there are a LOT along edge of field behind our house. It's actually our neighbors field but they don't pick the berries so we get the privilege.

Life got in the way of me getting in the garden regularly so it ended up looking like this. Saturday I went out and dug up the carrots I could find. It was like a treasure hunt! 

The kids were almost excited as I was and helped me in the garden and then carried them up the house so they could be washed.

After I got all the carrots I could find Doug mowed most of it down and he's going to re-till it and get it ready to plant again. The only area he didn't mow down is where the turnips are because they are coming along very nicely in spite of the weeds. There are also somc more carrots beside the turnips that aren't ready yet. So I'm just going to have to go in and weed those areas.

CJ is taking very good care of his corn patch. Saturday was the third time he carried water to them since he planted them the Saturday before. They are starting to come up nicely. 

Today he spent some time pulling weeds before they take over the corn like they took over the rest of the garden.

Some of the "weeds" in our garden are chicory plants. Today Austin pulled a bunch of them (while I was weeding the turnips and carrots) so that I can roast the roots. I've never done this before but I'm always up for trying something new. 

A friend gave me 40 pounds of sweet potatoes. Most of them I mashed and put in the freezer. Recently we made these yummy Easy Sweet Potato Muffins that the kids loved. We've also made Sweet Potato Fluff with some of the mashed sweet potatoes.

And last, but not least, as this Italian Seasoned Bread Dough for the freezer . . . 

And that's a little of what we've been doing on our little "homestead" this week. There are so many more things I can hardly wait to do here at Walnut Acre but I'm just taking things slowly, one step at a time. 
~ Linking Here ~ 

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