
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Sustaining Faith


It's a word I cling too. And yet so much more than a word, it's a lifeline I hold on to desperately. 

So much pain and uncertainty surrounds me, that when I look around I find myself faltering. In the last week, a life changing diagnosis for a new friend, a flare up of illness in a small innocent child, another friend stalked and harrassed. A family hurting and reaching for help, needing strength and healing.

Part of me wants to try to fix it all, part of me wants to run. I know I can do neither.


Faith in the God who loves, who heals, who transcends time and hurt and disease. Faith in the God who has already seen the end of the story and has already claimed the victory. Faith that makes no human sense, and yet sustains.

Faith that falters, that is no bigger than a mustard seed, but still there, sprouting, growing, tended carefully by the Giver of all things good. The faith that holds on to me when I cannot hold onto it.

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Hebrews 11:1


  1. i hope you find peace this week.
    but I also hope you find a way to speak into your friends lives. To be that faithful encouragement and friend.

  2. This line in your blog: "Faith in the God who has already seen the end of the story and has already claimed the victory." I have to remind myself of this a lot! It helps calm the uncertainty of decisions and the magnitude I give to some "problems". Loving your blog Rose! So glad I saw you were on FB and linked to your blog :)


  3. I just finished reading Hebrews, and faith was the major concept that stood out to me. So hard to keep hold of in the challenges of life.

  4. I know exactly what you mean when you say. ."Try to fix it, try to run,knowing I cannot do either.. . . ."
    It is a humbling place to know that we are never God and God is always in control. . .working "behind the scenes". We can only pray to be His hands and feet. Moving with wisdom and discernment when he chooses for us to. . .
