
Wednesday, July 6, 2011

First Cucumbers - And Other Garden Pictures

Austin and I picked the first cucumbers from our own garden today. These are actually a little bigger than I'd like them to be when I pick them. It's amazing how fast they grow.

There are lots more coming along to be picked soon.

Our one zucchini will probably be ready to pick in the next day or two. I'm hoping this plant produces more than just one zucchini.

This watermelon is growing well and there's another one on the same vine that's about half this size.

There are four or five little cantaloupe growing.

The pepper plants have quite a few little peppers on them.

And the tomato plants are loaded with little tomatoes. I'm so excited to see all these tomatoes coming along.

The three varieties of bean plants look very healthy although they don't have beans on them yet. And, as these pictures show, I need to get out there and do some weeding!

The new corn patch is growing well although it needs weeding too.

These morning glories are growing at the edge of the garden and I love to go out in the morning and see them. When I was a kid I used to go outside each morning and check on the morning glories that grew near the house we lived in. I guess these morning glories bring back memories for me.

I also enjoy the blue tint of the wildflowers growing in the meadow behind our house.

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  1. Your garden is way ahead of mine, at least as far as cucumber and squash. We had a cool spring they just sat and sulked though the are now growing. I do have peppers ready to harvest and a couple of roma tomatoes are showing pink.

  2. Thanks for stopping by. I'm following now also. Like your blog. Your veggie gardens looks great.
    Cher Sunray Gardens

  3. Hi! I saw your post over at Beth's Garden Party. I'm not growing veggies this year so it is fun to see yours coming along! Thanks for sharing your photos.

  4. Holy cow, cucumbers already!? And tomatoes on the plant?! Totally jealous. The only things we're eating so far are radishes and peas. C'mon sunshine!

  5. Oh my, I can taste the fresh cucumber salad now!! Everything looks wonderful.

  6. Wow! You have a beautiful piece of land and a fabulous garden! I'm a veggie garden newbie and just did a container garden this year but it's producing a lot of tomatoes and cherry tomatoes! Everything else...not so much! :o) I don't think my poor little bell peppers are going to make it! I can't believe the size of your cucumbers! Are you going to can them? Or just eat a bunch of salads? ;o)

    xoxo, Sarah Kate

  7. Hello! I am your newest follower from the Blog Hop! Love your site...Hope you can come stop by my page at
    Have a wonderful day!!!

  8. You certainly do have a lovely garden full of beautiful veggies! You are also very blessed to live next to a meadow, which is full of purple wildflowers.

    At any rate, thank you for following my blog and leaving a nice comment. I like your "space" here as well. :)

  9. Following from Welcome Wednesday Blog your blog! Stop by -

  10. Your garden looks great - I'm a little jealous of all those veggies, since I just have a few in containers this year.

  11. Your vegetables look great!

    Thanks for linking up to Saturday on the Farm!

    Linda @ Linda's Lunacy

  12. Lovely pictures! Looks like you have a wonderful garden. :)

  13. So jealous of your garden ;) In a good way of course! Looks great, and delicious! Thanks for linking up with us!

  14. The Creative Bloggers' Party & Hop became the coolest party on the block because of your participation. Thank you!
