
Sunday, March 31, 2013

The Walnut Acre Weekly - Easter Celebrations, Working Outside and More

Words to Live By

Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die.
John 11:25-26

Homeschool Wrap Up

This week with the younger kids we focused on Easter. We watched videos of the Easter story, and did a variety of worksheets and crafts. I somehow didn't get any pictures of our work but we did a lot of it. The kids were really interested in and amazed by the story of Jesus death and resurrection. It was so neat to watch them take it all in and ask questions and have discussions about why Jesus died for us and how wonderful it is that He rose again and is alive today. 

Austin and Amanda continued their study of Acts as well as their study of the human skeletal system. The focus in math this week was once again on decimals. 


Although we made sure we understood the true meaning of Easter we also had fun with an Easter egg hunt with the kids on Friday.

Austin and Amanda filled the eggs upstairs in the hallway and then took them out and hid them while I did our morning learning activities with the younger kids. 

And then the hunt was on!

And of course they had to sit awhile and enjoy the candy!

Saturday there was an Easter egg hunt at church that we took to the kids to. First there was face painting. Then there was the hunt that I was so busy helping the kids with that I didn't get a single picture. After all the eggs were found and everything settled down we had a simple lunch of hotdogs, macaroni and cheese, deviled eggs, cookies and chips. After lunch there was a story time with kids telling the Easter story from the Bible.

Outdoor Fun

Our week started out looking like this! I was not really happy about more snow but I did have to admit it was pretty.

By the end of the week though, it had warmed up outside and the kids spent hours out playing. 

Furry, Feathered and Four Footed Friends

Our neighbor farmer friend told Doug we could get the loose hay from the hay barn to use in our chicken coop. The kids loved taking the wheelbarrow and wagons to load up with hay and then bringing it back for the chickens. And the chickens are loving their new bedding.

There was one exciting moment when Damien, trying to help, ran ahead and opened the gate to the chicken pen. A rooster took the opportunity to make a dash for freedom and came running out. This scared CJ who took off screaming one direction, which in turn scared Damien who took off crying in the other direction. All the noise scared the rooster who puffed himself all up to protect the hens from impending calamity. Mykalin and I got the rooster back in quickly though and everyone else soon calmed down. 

Growing Green Things

Both Friday and Saturday Doug did some tilling. Friday he tilled up and expanded the old garden space and also tilled up a new garden space on another part of our acre. Then on Saturday he tilled around the old grape arbor. There just a couple, somewhat scraggly grapevines there when we moved in but they, except for one, have died out. This year I want to plant pole beans there, training the vines up over the arbor to give the kids a fun playspace and me some beans. Eventually I would like to put more grapevines there but I don't think that's going to happen this year. 

Out and About

Amanda at the SPCA. 

Other Notes and News

Much of Austin's spare time this week has been occupied working on and riding this moped he bought from Grandpa Tuesday. 

Just Having Fun Together

Here's a peek into some of the other fun things we did together this week. 

Weekly Quote

Sometimes the best helping hand you can get is a good, firm push. ~  Joann Thomas

Weekly Deals

Sunday, March 24, 2013

The Walnut Acre Weekly - Homemade Whole Wheat Bread and More

Words to Live By

The crowds that went ahead of him and those that followed shouted, “Hosanna to the Son of David!” “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!” “Hosanna in the highest heaven!”
Matthew 21:9

Homeschool Fun

 With the younger kids this week we reviewed the alphabet and the sounds the letters make, learned about the -un word family, studied shapes and worked on counting to 10, and did a unit on the book Angus Lost

Austin and Amanda have been studying the book of Acts, working with decimals, learning about the Skeletal System, and together we've been reading The Gate of Heaven (Lions of Judah Series #3).

On his own Austin has continued to learn about American History and Amanda has been delving into animal health and veterinary medicine. 

At night before they go to bed I've been reading Singing Wheels and Bible Animal Stories for Bedtime with CJ and Michael. Often, if Mykalin and Madelynn are here at that time they join us.

In the Kitchen

I've long been on a search for a homemade whole wheat bread recipe that I like. I've tried a quite few different ones and just didn't really like any of them. Saturday I tried another one . . . and liked it! This recipe can either be made into rolls like I did here or loaves.  Here is the recipe - Daily Delicious Whole Wheat Bread. This one is definitely going to be on make again list. I love how simple it is and that there are options for making different size batches. I made the quarter recipe this time but next time I'll probably go with the half recipe since we like it so well. The full recipe would just be to big for my mixer or I would make that and store the bread in the freezer until we use it.

Outdoor Fun

Although the calendar says it's Spring it has felt more like winter here. The kids haven't gone out much and when they did a little earlier this week I didn't get any pictures. But yesterday they were out a lot. Now, today, it's snowing again!

Furry, Feathered and Four Footed Friends

Doug spent part of the day yesterday working on making some nesting boxes for our hens. We've been getting an average of four eggs a day. I know when the weather gets a little warmer we will be getting a lot more but I'm happy with each of these little treasures I find right now.

I found Michael and Amanda's cat Sheena snoozing away the other night. She seems to really like him, letting him carry her around with very little protest and curling up beside him or on his lap when he sits down.

Growing Green Things

The herbs (basil, parsley and chives) that Michael and Lauren planted are starting to grow on a sunny windowsill in the living room. 

Yesterday I planted lots of seeds in starter trays - four varieties of tomatoes, three varieties of peppers, squash, cucumbers, melons and okra. When the weather does finally turn warm I want to have lots of little plants to put in the garden.

Out and About

Tuesday Amanda spent some time at the SPCA playing with these two cats. 

Wednesday evening we were at church and Thursday evening the kids spent the evening at their grandparents. This morning we had church but the evening service was cancelled because of the snow. Austin went on a weekend trip with the church youth to Acquire the Fire and really enjoyed it. This is the third year he has gone and he always enjoys it and looks forward to the next time he gets to go.

Just Having Fun Together

Here are some more pictures of the fun we had together this week. 

Weekly Quote

God gives us dreams a size to big so we can grow in them. ~ Author Unknown

Weekly Deals

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No Ordinary Blog Hop Monday - Inspire Me Monday

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Morning Fun, Checking Out the Creek and an Evening at the SPCA

It rained last night and was still too wet outside this morning to go out and play but we had lots of fun inside.

After the little ones went to sleep Michael and I took a walk down to the creek (Austin and Amanda stayed in the house) to see how it looked after all this rain and melted snow.

This was Amanda's evening to go to the SPCA to work with the animals there. She worked with one dog on finding treats in a puzzle. The dog actually has to move little sliding pieces to find the treats hidden inside. Then she worked with a second dog on learning to sit and wait for a treat. There was also another dog she spent some time with that was a new arrival to the shelter and was scared. She just spent some time with that one in it's kennel, trying to help it settle in a little. It seemed to be hungry but would only eat if she hand fed it. Somehow I didn't get a picture of that one though.

And that's just a few little glimpses into our day. 

Monday, March 11, 2013

Walnut Acre Photo Collages

I have loved writing the Walnut Acre Daily posts but I'm finding that they are taking SO much time that I need to be using for other things. However, I still want to share our daily fun so I thought I would try to post some daily photos and then write some other posts in between as I have the time.

These photos are from Friday - the third snow day this week. 

Friday evening was a fun night for the Boy Scouts. A facility was rented and admission was $2 per child and finger food. The whole family was invited to come join the fun. 

These photos are from our morning learning time today.

We've gone from snow last week to Spring time temperatures over the weekend and today. The forecast says wet, cooler weather for the rest of the week so we spent a LOT of time outside today.

I hope you enjoyed this little peek into some of our recent fun.